Blog Feb 25, 2025

A new adventure

I wrote Silver in 2010. It was meant to be a stand-alone. I wanted to write book about a teenager who had to deal with growing up in a hard situation, but who also had the difficulties of hiding the fact that he was a werewolf. Jaze, the werewolf that began it all, surfaced with…
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Why Girl from the Stars?

I often write from a male character’s point of view. I don’t know why that’s my usual style, but I enjoy it and my readers seem to as well. I never really thought about it until I was doing a panel at Comic-Con and a woman in the audience asked if I had written a…
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Blog for

My name is Cheree Alsop. I’m a mother, wife, author of 33 books, and a chocolate addict. I love everything that comes with the different hats I wear. I chase my twin six year old boys around and have sword fights with them using sticks in the backyard. I get to watch our 13 year…
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First Lines and Moats

There is a feeling that precedes starting the first line of a new book. It’s a tingling; a nervousness of sorts. I know that when I begin that first line, I am locked in, caught up in the story until the final word has been written. I am not a prisoner to the black letters…
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Why Werewolves and Other Things that Go Bump in the Night

I loved werewolves since I was young. I was taken by the fact that the creatures who were so feared are in fact loving, caring, and run in packs made up of members of their families. I always liked the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood (although eating the grandmother went a bit far). I…
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Newsletter February 18th, 2014

Hello readers, friends, and family! It’s been a busy two months! Between entertaining my four year old twin boys, helping my daughter with her science fair project, and playing rock concerts with our band Alien Landslide, additional books have been written! Snowy days that force us indoors are definitely the best for writing. Thank you…
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Wrapping up the year

  It’s been a while since I’ve written here. I’ve been working on Galdoni 2: Into the Storm, as well as When Death Loved an Angel, and Silver Moon, the last book in the Silver Series. All in all, it’s been a great end to an amazing year! I love writing; it is my passion,…
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Interview from Michael James Fitzgerald

I met Michael James Fitzgerald at the League of Utah Writers Conference in September, and he asked if I would be interested in doing an interview. He was kind enough to post it last week. Here it is!   Monday, September 30, 2013 Author Interview: Cheree Alsop I recently met Cheree at a writer’s conference.…
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Formatting for Createspace and Kindle

I decided to blog first of all about formatting because I had several requests for it in my class and I feel that putting it here would best benefit all who are interested in this topic. Let me first say that the formatting tips listed below are things I have learned in formatting my own…
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A New Direction

If you look at the dates on my blog, I haven’t exactly been the best at keeping it up. That’s because I’ve struggled to find topics I feel my readers will be interested in. This last weekend, however, I was given the opportunity to teach a class on self-publishing at the League of Utah Writers…
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