
Azure is published!

Azure, book five of the Silver Series, is now published! I had a deadline to get it formatted and out by May 5th, and it’s out officially today (May 4th- talk about cutting it close!) Needless to say, the late nights and long hours have been well worth it. Publishing a new book feels like…
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Post from Uniquely Moi Books

Uniquely Moi Books was kind enough to do a guest post! Here it is: Thursday, April 19, 2012Guest Post featuring Cheree Alsop Today at Uniquely Moi Books, we have Cheree Alsop joining us. Cheree is the author of a fabulous series that will be featured today. Cheree has let the main character of her werewolf…
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Book Bloggers

The internet opened a brand new avenue for authors like me who have tried the normal means of getting published and been rejected numerous times. While I enjoy opening my mailbox to find numerous rejection letters, some personal but most generic, it got a bit daunting when I realized I had exhausted all the agents…
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Writing Inside Out

I think the hardest thing about writing is connecting the thoughts with what actually ends up on the page. I have the stories straight in my head. I know the characters like they are my best friends (don’t judge), I see their homes, their pasts, I feel their pain and happiness, joy, and sorrow, and…
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Mist, the second book of Shadows, is officially done! When I say done, it’s ready for a read-through by my husband who is my content editor, then I go through it one last time for a final edit, and it’s ready to publish. I’m very excited to release Mist. The Shadows Series is one that…
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The Joy of Writing

I love to write. Writing opens up something inside of me and lets all of the pent-up ideas that jumble around in my head out in a story that usually ends up far surpassing what I hoped it could be. When asked why I write, my answer is usually short- it’s a hobby, I enjoy…
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Violet Release!

Violet, Book Four of the Silver Series, is set to be published tonight! I am so excited. I love watching these books come together. The editing process is challenging, and so is the formatting because every site (Amazon, Smashwords, Createspace, and Barnes & Noble) have their own unique set of formatting requirements. It definitely keeps…
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Shadows Review from Great Minds Think Aloud

Susan Mahoney at Great Minds Think Aloud posted the following awesome review: Shadows by Cheree Alsop (REVIEW BY SUE MAHONEY) Is a powerful supernatural story that tugged at this reader’s heart strings. It is an inspiring story about seeing beyond the surface and look beneath a creature/person’s real essence. Treat one with respect, kindness and…
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Silver Review from Great Minds Think Aloud

Emily Tuley at Great Minds Think Aloud was so kind as to post a review of Silver on March 4th, 2012. Here are her words: More, I know it’s wrong to start a review with just one word but that’s the first word that comes to mind after I read the first novel in this…
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vvb32 excerpt for review

vvb32 asked for something from Jaze’s point of view for her Paranormal Activity event. Here’s what posted on 3/1/12: It’s easier for the rest of the world to think of us as legends and myth. Life as a werewolf isn’t simple; it’s dangerous and at times filled with heartache. The chaos of teenage life is…
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