Blog Feb 25, 2025


It’s official. As of 4:00 am this morning, my books are published. Fifteen years of writing have finally paid off, and I get to see the books on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for sale. No one knows they’re there yet, so there are no sales, but at least they are up. This is a…
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Windows to the Words

Three of the four covers for the first books I am releasing are done. I just saw two of them yesterday and I am so excited for them! One had been hand-drawn by Stephanie Godwin, a very talented artist that I hope will continue to draw the covers for the Shadows series and anything else…
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Finishing a Book

Writing the end of a book is happy and heartbreaking at the same time. I find as I write that the characters become my friends, that I care about what happens to them, and when I write the last line of a book, it’s a farewell of sorts. I know that I might see the…
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Final Touches

It’s exciting to see my books come together, to see the covers be made with the images I’ve chosen, images far better than I thought I would be able to find, and to feel like this is really going to happen. I am so excited for my books to get out there, for my words…
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Getting Ready

Today I finished the final edits on Silver.  Galdoni and Shadows are both ready to go, and my husband is currently reading through Black for any glaring errors.  My goal is to have all four books done and ready to publish within the next two weeks, and that includes the covers.  The covers are proving…
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League of Utah Writers Annual Round-up and Shoes

This past weekend I attended the League of Utah Writers Annual Round-Up in Logan, Utah.  I was honored to attend seminars taught by Daniel Coleman, the author of ‘Jabberwocky’, Horror and Dark Fantasy Writing by Rick Chiantaretto (which was awesome because he gave the entire lecture while wearing vampire teeth), Writing Action by Larry Corriea,…
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First and foremost

The first post in a blog is intimidating.  Everyone is waiting to see whether you are witty, brilliant, stupid, droll, or simply magnificent.  Although I have read posts that fit into each of these categories, I hope that this blog can fall somewhere between both the witty and magnificent, while at the same time creating…
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