Hunter Cover Revealed!

Hunter Cover Revealed!

I am excited to reveal the cover for Hunter, the sixth book in the Silver Series! My cover designer, Andrew Hair, did an amazing job putting this together. I send him a picture and then anxiously await the marvel he always turns it into. Andy has never let me down! Hunter will be coming out at the end of November.

6 Responses

  1. Trinity says:

    Woah! Excited much! 🙂 This is the first book that doesn’t have a color title, unless it ties into hunter green…nonetheless I’m thrilled, and I can’t wait.

    • admin says:

      I’m glad you’re excited for the release! Hunter is actually a play on the color green (my husband’s idea and it fits the book perfectly). It’s great to hear of so many people awaiting the release! Look for it just before Christmas. I hope you enjoy it!



  2. Spirit says:

    Hi Cheree,

    Just wanted to say a huge thank you for sharing your stories. Whether or not people like your stories/story writting, you are a fabulous writer. Very emotive, perfectly descriptive & I personally love the themes & telling of your books.

    On a deferent note, when do you believe Hunter will be released? I have read all your books & would love 1 or 20 more to read over the Christmas/New Year period!

    And lastly, please add your web site to your profile on Amazon. I think a lot more people will get the benefit of your web site if you do.

    May you and your family have a love filled Christmas & a Joyous New Year,


    P.s I simply can not understand why you are not published! May the right Publisher find you & see you for the Gem that you are. 🙂 x

    • admin says:


      Thank you so very much for your kind words. It’s so nice to hear when someone enjoys my books. There are a lot of places for feedback on the web and it’s not always positive, so thank you very much for taking the time to write so many great reviews and for supporting my writing- it really means a great deal to me.
      Thank you also for the suggestion of my website on my Amazon profile. I thought I listed it, but it is definitely not there, so thank you for pointing that out. By the time you read this, it will be up!
      My goal is to have Hunter out just before Christmas. The book is written, the cover is done, and I’m working on the final touches for it and for a book called Stolen that I also hope to get out before Christmas. I’ll be anxiously waiting to see what you think!
      I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you again for making me smile.



  3. dan says:

    is it out on the kindle book store yet I can’t find it. also I love Jet he is so cool!
    I hope it comes out soon.Thank you for making awesome books and happy New year!

    • admin says:

      Hi Dan,

      Hunter will be released by the end of January. I’m shooting for the 18th, but I want to make sure it’s ready! I’m glad that you like Jet; he was one of my favorite characters to write. There is still so much of his story that I would like to tell. I’ve always planned on the Silver Series comprising of seven books, the seventh one being told from Jaze’s point of view as a wrap-up to the series, but I love the characters so much that I feel branching off into their individual stories would be a blast. There is always more to tell! Thanks for your kind words. Have a great day!

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