Why Werewolves and Other Things that Go Bump in the Night

Why Werewolves and Other Things that Go Bump in the Night

I loved werewolves since I was young. I was taken by the fact that the creatures who were so feared are in fact loving, caring, and run in packs made up of members of their families. I always liked the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood (although eating the grandmother went a bit far). I thought the wolf in The Three Little Pigs was just ensuring survival of the fittest, and I felt like the wolf who led the Nothing on the Never Ending Story was pretty darn awesome. The problem was, as much as I loved wolves and werewolf lore, I didn’t want to be “that werewolf author”. I wrote stories with everything BUT werewolves, and while I loved them, I felt there was something missing. So what did I do? I became THE WEREWOLF AUTHOR!

Werewolves have so many different facets. The heightened senses of smell, hearing, and instinct leave stories open to be told from other aspects that what we just see with normal eyes. Packs are made of families, but what happens when that family is taken away? What happens if a werewolf is raised thinking he is the only one in the world? What happens if humans turn werewolves into cage fighters like pit bulls? And ultimately, what happens if werewolves reveal themselves to the human race- will there be fear, or will they be embraced as brothers? These questions keep me writing, and I hope they keep you reading, because there are many aspects of werewolf life left to explore!

One final thought. Love is a greater power than any physical strength or mental fortitude. Love can move mountains, start wars, and change destinies. Wolves in the wild have been known to pine away and die out of sorrow for a lost mate. Wolves often only choose one mate and stay with them for the rest of their lives, raising their pups and defending their territories together. Werewolves, being a combination of human and wolf, have the same need for love. Once found, a werewolf will do anything to protect the one who holds their heart. Just as the moon holds sway over their physical shape, love is the strongest driving factor in a werewolf’s actions. Once found, love will not be given up, and if taken, a werewolf will fight to the very end of its limits to get it back. All of my books contain love as a central theme because it can indeed change fate. I hope you, too, can relate to the love within these pages, because they were written for you.


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