Working for Fun

Working for Fun

As I am writing, my kids are playing hide and go seek. My ten year old daughter is chasing my three year old twins boys around as they hide in conspicuous places like under a blanket or in the laundry baskets….The best part of watching my children play is to see their imagination at work. They are pirates- well, one boy is a pirate while the other is ‘knife guy’, and my daughter is a pirate princess. For me, hearing their stories and listening to their laughter is the best thing in the world.

I am writing this post because a reader named Diane mentioned that she also has children (a daughter and one on the way), and she is happy that I find time to write while raising my children. Diane has been very kind and insightful regarding my books, and it makes me smile to know that another mother out there is also finding time to read while raising children. As we grasp a sentence here and a paragraph there, we get the joy of watching our children learn and grow, and hopefully see our appreciation of books and value them in the same way. Watching my daughter read the way I did- under the blankets at night with a flashlight (she now has a lamp), makes me so happy. I used to horde books like a squirrel with acorns, hiding them away for the slow, lazy hours of the summer when I could climb a tree and read to my heart’s content. Of course, as all readers know, you are never content. As soon as one book is finished, you are looking for the next one with the hopes of another story that will pull at your heartstrings, take you on an adventure, and show you places far beyond the trails below your feet.

I have the best job in the world, because I get to inspire others and give them the escape and adventure books have to offer. I love writing, and to be able to do it while enjoying each day with my family is the best thing on earth. Keep reading and enjoy!

One Response

  1. ali cross says:

    YES! I love my job too! And I love how you put it that you are giving another mom a little respite while also setting a great example for her kids! You ROCK Cheree!

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